BEAPLAS GmbH is a company located at the WISTA in Berlin Adlershof. The company was founded in 2013 and develops special electronics for the industry, for science and for development since then.
As BEAPLAS has partnerships with scientific institutes located at the WISTA in Berlin Adlershof, we have access to resources and highly specialized equipment which is hard to access for other companies.
Alognside with the development of own products, as the Compact Sputtering Device MeCoSput, BEAPLAS develops and manufactures electronics for customers and offers simulation services for komplex promblems.
BEAPLAS GmbH offers solutions for
- Atmospheric Plasmas
- Coating by Sputtering at Atmospheric Pressure
- High voltage supplies for plasma applications
- High frequency supplies for plasma applications
- High voltage supplies for dielectric heating
- High frequency supplies for particle acceleration
- RF und Microwave amplifiers
- Customized development
- Electronic development
BEAPLAS GmbH is a spin-off of Ferdinand-Braun-Institut in Berlin.
Strategic partner of BEAPLAS GmbH is the company Aurion Anlagentechnik GmbH in Seligenstadt